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Plastic Injection Molding: Manufacturing Startup and Management (eBook)

Plastic Injection Molding: Manufacturing Startup and Management (eBook)

Douglas Bryce
Printed Pages:
228 pages
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  • List Price: $65.60


Back to Plastic Injection Molding: Manufacturing Startup and Management (eBook)

Every entrepreneur and manager faces the challenge of trying to determine the best business plan. Bad decisions regarding equipment, resources, and personnel can spell disaster for your company. Plastic Injection Molding: Manufacturing Startup and Management by Douglas Bryce addresses the unique needs of the plastic injection molding enterprise, helping you to avoid common perils and pitfalls. And, what about that elusive pricing question — how do you accurately price the parts you well? With precision and clarity, this new resource expounds on all the variables involved with today's molding industries, including many you may not have considered.

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