Back to Die Maintenance Handbook
Die Maintenance Handbook

Die Maintenance Handbook

David A Smith, LSME
Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
400 pages
Hard Cover
Product ID:


  • List Price: $99.00
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Back to Die Maintenance Handbook

The Die Maintenance Handbook offers solutions to common tool and die problems. It gives effective maintenance strategies to help the reader avoid costly die repairs by performing required tasks at scheduled times. This book explains the basics of die operations and offers correct maintenance procedures for critical tasks. It gives reasons and strategies for establishing an effective die-maintenance program, lists the benefits of doing repair work in-house and the pitfalls to avoid when repair work is contracted out, and how-to-information for die repair. In addition, there are valuable die-tryout techniques, examples of welded die repairs, options for broken die castings, die standard models, and cost accounting examples.

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