Back to Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Fifth Edition
Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Fifth Edition

Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Fifth Edition

Ahmad K Elshennawy, PhD, Gamal S Weheba, PhD
Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
784 pages
Hard Cover
Product ID:


  • List Price: $130.00
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Back to Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Fifth Edition

Manufacturers know the value of a knowledgeable workforce. The challenge today is finding skilled people to fill these positions. Since publication of the first edition in 1961, instructors, students, and practitioners have relied on Manufacturing Processes and Materials for the foundational knowledge needed to perform in manufacturing roles across a myriad of industries. As an on-the-job reference, anyone working in a technical department of a manufacturing company — regardless of education, experience, and skill level — will use this book to gain a basic understanding of manufacturing processes, materials, and equipment.

Now in its fifth edition, the book covers the basic processes, materials, and machinery used in the job shop, toolroom, or small manufacturing facility. At the same time, it describes advanced equipment used in larger production environments. The reader is given a thorough review of metals, composites, plastics, and other engineering materials, including their physical properties, testing, treatment, and suitability for use in manufacturing. Quality, measurement and gaging, process planning and cost analysis, and manufacturing systems are all addressed.

Questions and problems at the end of each chapter can be used as a self-test or as assignments in the classroom. Manufacturing Processes and Materials is also available as an eBook.

Additional teaching materials for instructors:

  • Instructor's Guide (eBook only)
  • Instructor's Slides (zip file)

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