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Experimental Investigation of Large-Scale Welding of Carbon Fiber ...

Experimental Investigation of Large-Scale Welding of Carbon Fiber ...

A Beukers, Darko Stavrov, Dr Harald Bersee
Printed Pages:
8 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Experimental Investigation of Large-Scale Welding of Carbon Fiber ...
This paper describes an experimental investigation of resistance welding of carbon fiber thermoplastics performed on large-scale welds. Carbon fiber reinforced polyetherimide (CF/PEI) was the material used for manufacturing the welding specimens, while the heating elements were produced from metallic mesh. Experiments were performed under constant pressure. Special experimental apparatus was developed that enabled uniform pressure distribution along the weld. The focus of the investigation was on studying possible solutions for current leaking in large welds. A. Beukers, D. Stavrov, H.E.N. Bersee, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

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