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The Double-D Cell for Assembling Hardware in Upholstered Furniture...

The Double-D Cell for Assembling Hardware in Upholstered Furniture...

Philip H Steele, Steve L Hunter, PhD, Steven H Bullard, W Duane Motsenbocker
Printed Pages:
20 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to The Double-D Cell for Assembling Hardware in Upholstered Furniture...
This case study provides general information about lean manufacturing and how a lean manufacturing system can be implemented. It is followed by a detailed description of Franklin Corp.'s adoption of a new type of manufacturing cell--the "Double-D." A discussion of the original state of the subassembly system and the result of the Double-D modifications are also given. Authors: Steve L. Hunter, Steven H. Bullard, Philip H. Steele, W. Duane Motsenbocker, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS.

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