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Soft Magnetic Composites - Motor Design Issues and Applications

Soft Magnetic Composites - Motor Design Issues and Applications

Alan G Jack, Lars O Hultman
Printed Pages:
13 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Soft Magnetic Composites - Motor Design Issues and Applications
Soft magnetic composites (SMCs) are successfully manufactured from insulated iron powder using the powder metallurgy compaction process. The isotropic nature of the SMC material combined with the unique shaping possibilities of the P/M compaction process opens up new opportunities for the designer of electromagnetic devices. SMC parts can be designed and manufactured with intricate shapes, smooth curvatures and excellent surface finish. To take full advantage of the SMC concept, redesigning from today's 2-D steel laminate solutions to new 3-D designs is required. The fundamental concept of SMC materials and their processing is presented along with design concepts and prototypes. Motor design issues are highlighted. Finally, some examples of commercial products are presented. Authors: Lars O. Hultman (Hoganas AB), Alan G. Jack (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)

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