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An Inventive Design of an Industrial Product Through the Application..

An Inventive Design of an Industrial Product Through the Application..

K P Anagnostopoulos, MR Pantelis Botsaris, PhD
Printed Pages:
13 pages
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Back to An Inventive Design of an Industrial Product Through the Application..
This paper is about how Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatel-skikh Zadatch-TRIZ) methodology can be used to design an industrial hinge with four degrees of freedom, about defining the right problem to solve and using the difference between conceptual and specific solutions to transfer better principles from one discipline to another. Also it presents an alternative approach to the classical mechanical design process based on the principles of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). The approach has been accomplished via the design of an industrial part, an innovative product, with the aid of the TRIZ analytical tools, like ARIZ algorithm, substance field analysis, contradiction analysis and required function analysis. Authors: P.N. Botsaris, K.P. Anagnostopoulos (Demokritos University of Thrace)

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