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Surface Finishing Techniques For Rapid Prototyping

Surface Finishing Techniques For Rapid Prototyping

J D Spencer, Phillip M Dickens, R C Cobb
Printed Pages:
22 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Surface Finishing Techniques For Rapid Prototyping
Rapid prototype models produced from stereolithography have a relatively poor surface finish which in many cases is unacceptable and requires rectifying. Although a prototype can be rapidly manufactured, manual finishing smooths the part which can be a long and tedious process leading to parts that are inaccurate and poorly defined. A variety of surface finishing techniques have been identified for imparting a smooth surface to stereolithography resin parts. Initial results have shown that the barrel tumbling process may be suitable for finishing components with improvements in surface roughness values of 70%-80% although the time to process is long.

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