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Teaching the Product Realization Process in the Undergraduate...

Teaching the Product Realization Process in the Undergraduate...

Donovan L Evans, Robert Hill
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6 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Teaching the Product Realization Process in the Undergraduate...
The work described in this paper is the first systematic study of the product realization process (PRP) as practiced in progressive companies and taught in universities. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and conducted by an ASME Project Team of industry and academic experts, this study: (1) defines the "Best Practices" widely used by progressive companies in the PRP, (2) determines the "Best Practices" for which knowledge and skills are needed by new, BS-level engineers and by experienced mechanical engineers, and (3) determines academe's perception of the need for the "Best Practices" in the PRP. It also compares industries' needs and academes' perceptions about "Best Practices" in the PRP. Authors: Donovan L. Evans (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ), Robert Gill (Product Development Partners, Inc., Newton, MA).

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