Back to Forging


Produced By:
SME Staff
Video Length:
20 minutes
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Back to Forging

Part of the Fundamental Manufacturing Processes Video Series, this program begins by outlining forging's function in refining the metallurgical microstructure of wrought mills forms, and it's use in generating parts to near-net shape from these forms.

Featured are segments on the various types of forging processes, including open-die forging, impression-die forging, related forging processes, and forging automation.

The open-die forging segment highlights the process application, as well as the types of dies, accessory tools, and handling equipment used.

The impression-die forging segment focuses on the process variables such as preforming, emphasizing the importance of flash in generating an acceptable forging. The use of lubricants is also addressed.

The related forging processes segment highlights seamless ring rolling, hot-die forging, and isothermal forging.

The forging automation segment looks at computer-controlled forging and automated forging operations.

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