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RFID: Tool Tracking Solutions

RFID: Tool Tracking Solutions

Produced By:
SME Staff
Video Length:
35 minutes
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Back to RFID: Tool Tracking Solutions

Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) is used in a wide variety of applications to improve performance of manufacturing processes and to increase accuracy in the supply chain. Part of the award-winning Manufacturing Insights video series, this program, scripted by technology expert Manuel A. Pachano, takes you into the infrastructure and technology behind RFID as well as the real-world practical applications, challenges and advantages of using RFID to support quality and productivity. Four unique manufacturing companies are features to illustrate how RFID helps save money and ensure quality production, including:

  • Traxle Manufacturing where they demonstrate how RFID is used on precision tools to maintain and communicate activity history
  • ABSKY’s use of RFID as a complimentary solution to maintain, restock their Maintenance, repair, and operating inventory (MRO) system
  • Wittman Inc. and how RFID is incorporated on the end of a robotic tooling system to provide them with quick changeover and error-proof tooling
  • NORDAM Group’s use of RFID to track data on high-value composite layup molds used for large aircraft interior and structural component

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