Back to Poka Yoke: Mistake Proofing
Poka Yoke: Mistake Proofing

Poka Yoke: Mistake Proofing

Produced By:
SME Staff
Video Length:
31 minutes
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Back to Poka Yoke: Mistake Proofing

Part of the award-winning Manufacturing Insights Video Series, this program measures and evaluates the modern and practical methods behind mistake proofing or poka-yoke.

Visit Saline Plastics, ConMed Linvatec, and ESYS Corporation to see how the use of mistake-proofing techniques and reducing workplace errors can help reduce costs, increase quality, and accelerate customer delivery time. See it firsthand, then apply it to your continuous improvement processes. The commonplace examples outlined in the program provide a perfect training tool for anyone wanting to build a more reliable and predictable improvement process that can easily integrate with other business procedures.

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