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Robotics in Manufacturing Fundamentals

Robotics in Manufacturing Fundamentals

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Back to Robotics in Manufacturing Fundamentals

The Robotics certification, focused on assessing a candidate’s comprehension of fundamental robotics concepts, may be used by those currently looking to upskill or reskill into manufacturing careers before pursuing equipment-specific or career pathway-specific training in robotics. The credential can help individuals begin a lifelong career in an industry where there is opportunity for advancement and good-paying jobs. The RMF credential is ideal for high school and college students, dislocated workers, under-employed individuals, veterans, at-risk youth and others who are seeking new employment in high-demand manufacturing jobs.


This program focuses on the fundamentals of robotics required as a starting point for any career pathway a candidate may pursue in the field of robotics. This program covers topics such as Introduction to manufacturing, Applied mathematics, Robotic applications, Robot systems and components, and Robot programming concepts.




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