Back to Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition

Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition

Dr Brent Strong
Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
640 pages
Hard Cover
Product ID:


  • List Price: $110.00
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Back to Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition

Whether in college or in the workplace, students and practitioners have relied on the first edition of Fundamentals of Composites for years to learn about the basics of composites manufacturing. Building upon the solid foundation of the first edition, this revised and expanded book describes recent advances, adding key information, case studies, and examples that will broaden your knowledge of composites materials and manufacturing methods.

The first focus of this text is on materials. Several major chapters are devoted to describing the basic materials that are put together to create composite structures. You'll learn about matrix properties, polyesters, epoxies, specialty and high-performance resins, thermoplastics, ceramic and metal matrix composites, reinforcements, reinforcement forms, testing and properties, design, and sandwich structures, joints, and finishing. The book simply and clearly presents the details of why composite materials behave the way they do. Thus composites designers will gain an understanding of the causes of material performance, allowing them a wider choice of materials than might otherwise be possible.

Secondly, the book describes composites manufacturing methods, providing tips for getting the best results that weigh the required material properties against cost and production efficiency. You'll find chapters on: the open molding of engineering and advanced composites, compression molding, resin infusion technologies, filament winding and fiber placement, pultrusion, thermoplastic molding, damage prevention and repair, factory issues, the business of composites, and composites applications. Fully illustrated, this comprehensive text and reference presents material in an easily understandable format. Many features are provided to make learning easier.

  • Each chapter begins with an overview of the key points to be addressed.
  • A case study discusses specific application of one or more principles discussed in the chapter.
  • A chapter summary is provided so that key learning points can be reviewed.
  • Each chapter has a laboratory experiment to provide grounding in key concepts.
  • Questions at the end of the chapter are provided to assess learning.
  • A bibliography details additional resources for the chapter.
  • A glossary provides definitions of the terms used in the book.

Online access to a sample from the Composites Manufacturing Video Series complements this text. It offers excellent visual representations of the materials and manufacturing methods addressed. Use the set of eight videos to supplement learning, lectures, and laboratories.

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