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Kaizen Event Fieldbook: Foundation, Framework, and Standard Work for Effective Events

Kaizen Event Fieldbook: Foundation, Framework, and Standard Work for Effective Events

Mark Hamel
Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
272 pages
Soft Cover
Product ID:


  • List Price: $50.00
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Back to Kaizen Event Fieldbook: Foundation, Framework, and Standard Work for Effective Events

Kaizen event effectiveness is a prerequisite for lean transformation success. It provides the necessary transformational jump-start, momentum, organizational learning and engagement, and sustainable, step-function improvements. The systemic use of kaizen events establishes the technical and cultural foundation for principle-driven kaizen — the powerful combination of kaizen events and daily kaizen activities. The Shingo Prize award-winning book brings this all together as an indispensable reference for lean leaders and implementers within any industry and for use at any stage within the lean implementation journey.

One of lean's defining characteristics is learning by seeing, doing, and studying. In context with lean theory and lean leadership principles, readers will gain an understanding of the essential "whys" and "hows" of kaizen event standard work and event management, as well as a proven means to sustain the gains. The book's multi-phase approach addresses strategy, pre-event planning, execution, and follow-through. Practical examples, over a hundred figures and tables, and many real-life "Gemba Tales" provide for an enriched learning experience. Also included is a chapter on the deployment of a kaizen promotion office, a glossary, and two appendices, which offer blank forms and an overview of daily kaizen.

What Reader's Have to Say

"The Fieldbook is a must read for those wanting to understand the kaizen methodology. Mark Hamel clearly identifies its role utilizing the TPS version of SDCA and PDCA. He further traces his follow-through model to the 'learn-by-doing' methodology of the Training Within Industry (TWI) program, which was developed in the U.S. during WWII, and is going through a resurgence today as companies struggle to sustain kaizen gains. This book now has a prominent place on my bookshelf." — Robert J. Wrona, Executive Director, TWI Institute®

"A critical distinction from other texts on the market, the Fieldbook links the technical aspects of kaizen to lean philosophy. Kaizen is the game changer in any lean transformation, and this is the game book." — Bruce Hamilton, President, Greater Boston Manufacturing Partnership

"Executing effective kaizens is always a challenge. I have not seen any other book on the market that gets into this level of understanding kaizen events--from pre-planning to follow-through. This book will benefit not only the new adopters of lean, but also the early adopters who require a 'back-to-basic' understanding of how to properly execute kaizen events to effectively drive change." — Richard Levesque, Vice President and General Manager, Professional Division, MAAX U.S. Corporation

"The Fieldbook is a roadmap for organizations to follow as they actively seek a continuous improvement culture and positive bottom-line performance. It is an essential reference for the proper application and implementation of kaizen. I intend to provide everyone on my management team with a copy." — Max Willsie, Plant Manager, Toyota Boshoku Canada, Inc.

"Lean is about results and outcomes, not just intense focus on the process. The Kaizen Event Fieldbook balances theory with the tactical nuts and bolts, providing a practical roadmap for managers at all levels to strategically deploy kaizen and bring positive results to the bottom line." — Ted Gramer, Executive Vice President and General Claims Manager, Liberty Mutual Group

"During any lean implementation, the pace of kaizen events is critical to maintaining momentum. This well organized, readable book will help us standardize and refine our approach." — Kenneth Chandler, Vice President of Operations, Smith & Wesson

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