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Ergonomics in Manufacturing

Ergonomics in Manufacturing

Gavriel Salvendy, Waldemar Karwowski, PE
Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
538 pages
Hard Cover
Product ID:


  • List Price: $99.00
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Back to Ergonomics in Manufacturing

No matter how much technology is incorporated into the process of manufacturing, or any other industry, the human factor will always be of utmost importance. Ensuring worker safety and comfort is one of the most critical tasks in the workplace — a task often made more challenging as the advance of technology creates ever-changing environments. The discipline that enables enterprises to keep employees working safely and productively at their specific workstations is ergonomics.

Ergonomics impacts a broad range of workplace aspects including the role of humans in complex systems, design of equipment and facilities, and product design, as well as development of environmental comfort and safety. In all its manifestations, ergonomics has a marked effect on a company's bottom line. Therefore, it must be an integral part of — rather than supplemental to — facility operations. And it must be overseen by top management so that decisions can be made quickly and decisively.

In 28 chapters, the reader is given a top-to-bottom perspective on ergonomics. Starting with a general overview of the subject, Ergonomics in Manufacturing goes on to encompass such specific areas as designing the workplace, evaluating workloads, and monitoring the ergonomics program. Included are details of actual ergonomics programs at work.

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