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Five S Factory Makeover DVD

Five S Factory Makeover DVD

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  • List Price: $120.00
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Back to Five S Factory Makeover DVD

Part of the award-winning Manufacturing Insights video series, this program shows you an actual Five S (sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain) training event at two different manufacturing companies.

You will see a 5S factory makover at Symmons Industries in Braintree, Massachusetts and at Affordable Interior Systems in Hudson, Massachusetts. Recorded during training classes on 5S, see the kinds of things that were changed to improve productivity and make the work simpler and easier. The clean up teams are first taught the 5S principles and are then unleashed to go forth and make improvements.

The intended audience for this program is anyone in a manufacturing company that has just started to implement lean or for companies who need to revive their lean efforts.

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