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Virtual and Augmented Reality for Quality Improvement of Manual Welds

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Quality Improvement of Manual Welds

Axel Graeser, Petra Tschirner, Stefan Nordbruch
Printed Pages:
8 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Virtual and Augmented Reality for Quality Improvement of Manual Welds
The large problem to create manual welds of constant high quality results from missing optical information during the welding process. Due to the extreme brightness conditions e.g. in arc welding and the use of protective glasses even experienced welders can hardly recognize details of the welding pool, the welding seam and the environment. This paper describes a new research project for the development of a support system for welders. It allows a detailed observation both of the welding process and the environment. Additional information can be inserted in the user's field of view by methods of virtual and augmented reality. Authors: Petra Tschirner, Stefan Nordbruch, Axel Graeser, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany.

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