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Back to Comparison of Measurements and Simulations for Machining of Aluminum
Comparison of Measurements and Simulations for Machining of Aluminum
Eric P Whitenton, Laurent Deshayes, PhD, Robert W Ivester, FSME,PhD
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This paper compares experimental measurements and model-based simulations of cutting temperature, force and chip thickness for machining of aluminum. Cutting temperatures were measured using high-speed infrared videography, and forces were measured using a three-axis dynamometer. Results reported here are for machining 7075-T651 aluminum at cutting speeds from 100 m/min. to 276 m/min. This paper focuses on comparing finite element modeling simulations to the experimental data and discussing limitations of experimental measurements and simulations in capturing process behavior. The differences between measurement and simulation are discussed in the context of the limitations of simulation fidelity and measurement capability. Authors: Robert W. Ivester, Eric Whitenton, Laurent Deshayes (National Institute of Standards and Technology).