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Cupola Deoxidation Improves Machinability of Iron Castings

Cupola Deoxidation Improves Machinability of Iron Castings

Frank S Kleeman
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Cupola Deoxidation Improves Machinability of Iron Castings
Current requirements for defense production have necessitated an increase in machine tooling of iron castings. The process discussed for increasing machining production, consists of a melting deoxidation process which can be utilized in foundries so that iron castings with superior machining qualities may be produced. The process involves use of a briquetted deoxidizer which is added to the cupola charge and which is effective in deoxidizing the iron during melting, so that the metal so produced is brought to a controlled level of deoxidation. (Formerly T21)

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