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Utilization of Heavy Layered Polymer Coatings for Protection Against Marine Environments

Utilization of Heavy Layered Polymer Coatings for Protection Against Marine Environments

Perry Joseph
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Utilization of Heavy Layered Polymer Coatings for Protection Against Marine Environments

New impetus has been placed upon the use of polymer powders as protective coatings against the severe chemical, electrical, and electro-chemical environments of marine systems and components. Various applications, design aspects, machinability, and surface preparations are outlined. Equipment requirements for heavy and multilayered coatings, using polymer powders to develop excellent protective coatings for static and dynamic applications of in-water systems, are presented. The results of laboratory tests of components protected with the coatings for the resolution of some of the unique problems encountered in the marine environment are discussed.

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