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Deburring Capabilities for Miniature Precision Parts

Deburring Capabilities for Miniature Precision Parts

B J Neal, E F Felkner, LaRoux K Gillespie, Dr. Eng, CMfgE,FSME,PE, Lawrence H Luebbert
Printed Pages:
98 pages
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  • List Price: $25.00
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Back to Deburring Capabilities for Miniature Precision Parts
A study of 24 major deburring processes was made to determine those that are applicable to the production of miniature precision metal parts. In addition to the basic process capabilities and limitations, burr sizes that can be removed by each process are defined in terms of maintaining specific part-edge radii, dimensional tolerances, and surface finish requirements. Burrs having a major dimension less than 25.4 mu-m (0.001 inch) are shown to be removable by almost any process without adverse effects on part dimensions or surface finish. (SME Technical Report MRR76-16)

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