Back to Status of Near Net Shape Forging for Major Aerospace Applications
Status of Near Net Shape Forging for Major Aerospace Applications

Status of Near Net Shape Forging for Major Aerospace Applications

John D McKeough, Sanjay N Shah
Printed Pages:
18 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Status of Near Net Shape Forging for Major Aerospace Applications

Two near net shape forging technologies--hot die forging and isothermal forging--are reviewed. The state-of- the-art of important technical areas such as die heating methods, die stack design, die materials, lubrication and forging process parameters are discussed. The design and economic considerations for the processes are outlined to assist the end user in process selection. Actual shop- floor examples, along with a relative cost comparison for two of the examples, show that these processes are economically viable production realities for some aerospace components. Some of the current limitations of NNS technology, and efforts underway to overcome them, are also presented.

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