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An Application of Force-Adaptive Grinding

An Application of Force-Adaptive Grinding

Robert S Hahn, PhD, PE, CMfgE, FSME
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Back to An Application of Force-Adaptive Grinding

An application is presented of force-adaptive grinding where the grinding process is controlled by force sensors embedded in the wheelhead and interfaced to a computer which feeds the servo-driven slides. By monitoring the normal force between wheel and work, the computer can determine the wheel sharpness as well as the amount of deflection in the system. With these two items under control of the computer, closer size and taper tolerances can be maintained. Also, wheel dressing can be initiated to avoid thermal damage by grinding with dull wheel. Force profiles in a grinding cycle are described. The factors causing size tamper, and surface finish variations are discussed. The sequential grinding of an OD, a face, and a tapered ID, in one staging of the workpiece is outlined.

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