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Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing, Third Edition

Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing, Third Edition

Published By:
SME Staff
Printed Pages:
379 pages
Hard Cover
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  • List Price: $70.00
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Back to Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing, Third Edition

The most effective way to generate an estimate of a new product’s cost, engineering change cost, or innovation cost is through a detailed cost investigation. Analysis of the available materials and processes leads to the most economical and financial decisions. Now in its third edition, Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing has been used by students and practitioners since 1968 in this endeavor.

Revised and expanded, the book recognizes the extremely important role estimating is playing in today’s highly competitive global economy. Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing provides a survey of the myriad manufacturing processes and practices and combines this with in-depth explanations and examples of costing methods and tools. A comprehensive, standardized approach to their application is given. Among the manufacturing processes surveyed are: machining, casting, stamping, forging, welding, plastics technology, finishing, and rapid prototyping.

To develop realistic baseline estimates, an engineering or costing professional must have an in-depth understanding of costing methods and techniques. As a fundamental reference, the book provides insight into the art, science, and functions of cost estimation in a wide range of activities: product design and manufacturing, engineering change control, proposal development, make or buy studies, identifying cost reduction opportunities, component costing, reverse engineering, benchmarking, and examining alternative processes, materials, machines, and tooling. As examples, it will aid the practitioner in efforts to justify the replacement or improvement of existing technology with new creative solutions; perform a feasibility study; develop a basis for cost-oriented decision support; improve supply chain evaluation and sourcing analysis; and minimize costs.

The third edition has been greatly enhanced with new chapters and material dedicated to the roles of economics and finance, cost reduction, continuous improvement, plastic parts, electronics cost estimating, costing studies, advanced manufacturing processes, and quality costs. Further, the existing chapters have been significantly expanded to include new processes and operations and examples to enhance learning. Since nontraditional technology is widely applied in manufacturing, its costing aspects are also explored. Five Appendices provide additional information on productivity based on efficiency, cost reduction, matching part features to manufacturing processes, packaging cost, and inspection and measurement costs.

As with its previous editions, instructors of cost estimating courses can rely on the book to provide a solid foundation for manufacturing engineering courses and programs of study. The book is also useful for on-the-job training courses for engineers, managers, estimators, designers, and practitioners. It can be applied in seminars and workshops specifically dedicated to product or component cost reduction, alternative cost analysis, engineering change cost control, or proposal development. As in the previous editions, there are multiple equations and calculation examples, as well as end-of-chapter questions to test student’s knowledge. An Instructor’s Guide is also available.

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