Back to Concurrent Engineering: Part 3--Implementation of a Concurrent Engineering Architecture
Concurrent Engineering: Part 3--Implementation of a Concurrent Engineering Architecture

Concurrent Engineering: Part 3--Implementation of a Concurrent Engineering Architecture

David S Margolias, Michael H O'Connell
Printed Pages:
14 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Concurrent Engineering: Part 3--Implementation of a Concurrent Engineering Architecture
In the third of a series of three papers on concurrent engineering, the authors describe the implementation of an architecture for concurrent engineering. Key aspects of preparing the environment for such an implementation are discussed, including selection, organization, and training of the participating personnel; introducing, monitoring, refining, and measuring the new process; and extending its effectiveness to other environments, including capture of the results and lessons learned, and coordinating with and involving the company's principal trade partners. The relationship of the concurrent engineering process to a total quality management program is discussed, with particular emphasis on continuous process improvement.

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