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Deep Drawing--The Four Cylinder Approach To Metal Forming

Deep Drawing--The Four Cylinder Approach To Metal Forming

Mr Dennis J Taylor
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Deep Drawing--The Four Cylinder Approach To Metal Forming
The four-cylinder presses allowed customers to reduce the number of operations required to complete a part. To accomplish this, a control system allowed independent control of each of the four cylinders. Basically, three draws can be completed in one press cycle. Hole-punching and offsets also can be completed during the cycle. Four functions in the press allow the customer to perform several operations in one press cycle. Additional advantages of using this equipment include eliminating/reducing annealing costs, less in-process inventory and short pay-off times of the equipment. Manufacturers of stainless steel parts have gained particular advantage of this technology by completing parts in one press cycle with no annealing. Principle drawings and samples will explain how these presses allow the manufacturer to reduce his costs while giving the customer a higher quality, better-looking part.

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