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Additive Manufacturing for High-Pressure Hydraulic Valve Manifolds

Additive Manufacturing for High-Pressure Hydraulic Valve Manifolds

Alexander Altmann, Frank Schubert, G F Rayczyk, Gerhard N Hummel, L Kroll, V Baumbach
Printed Pages:
11 pages
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  • List Price: $15.00
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Back to Additive Manufacturing for High-Pressure Hydraulic Valve Manifolds

This presentation will show a novel approach to produce lightweight valve manifolds for aerospace applications by the use of selective laser melting (SLM). For ensuring a cost-efficient and robust lightweight design, advanced approaches for component architecture were developed and applied. On this basis, three prototype valve manifolds were manufactured and scanned by micro-focus computed tomography. Finally, the prototypes were hot isostatic pressed (HIP), functional surfaces machined, and performance as well as durability tests accomplished. The impulse/fatigue and ultimate pressure tests showed the suitability of the SLM lightweight components for 5000 psi hydraulic parts used on aircraft. The developed component saves more than 50% of weight compared with the state of the art, at comparable manufacturing costs. Presented at: AeroDef Manufacturing Summit & Exposition 2014, SME, February 25-27, 2014, Long Beach, CA.

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