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Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic Injection Molding

Produced By:
SME Staff
Video Length:
24 minutes
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Back to Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic injection molding is the most common method of producing parts out of plastic material. Part of the Fundamental Manufacturing Processes Video Series, this program was scripted by plastics industry expert, Irvin I. Rubin, and focuses on the injection molding machine, the injection mold, and the injection machine controls to illustrate the injection molding process.

The injection molding machine segment covers in detail both the injection system and the clamping system. In step-by-step progression, thermoplastic material is followed from its raw material state through the melting process and onto its injection into the mold. Throughout the sequence, various components of the injection machine are explained, including the reciprocating screw, and the various machine platens.

The injection mold segment details and defines mold terms as the molten thermoplastic material is formed, cooled, and ejected as a final part. Also featured are common mold types including the two-plate cold runner mold, three-plate cold runner mold, the hot runner mold, and the insulated runner mold.

The injection machine controls segment features the functions of the various controls and the use of computers in mold design and construction.

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